Bangor Episcopal Church

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Friends of Bangor

Bangor Church has a proud and rich history. Founded in 1722 by early Welsh settlers to this region in eastern Lancaster county, we have witnessed for over 300 years to our Christian Anglican faith in the center of our Churchtown community.

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Historic Bangor Episcopal Church seeks to be a community in Christ Jesus celebrating our heritage, vibrant in our worship, and engaged in ministry and mission. We are an active small congregation maintaining our legacy church building and churchyard and bearing witness to our faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe that we are being called to grow in health, vitality, numbers and mission. We will continue to promote discipleship in our worship, Christian formation, and fellowship. In all of this we place our trust in God and in the belief that Christ walks with us. We proclaim his Presence in our midst, in Scripture, and in the Breaking of the Bread.

We invite you to join our faith family!

“They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
Acts 2:42